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dbExpress Driver (dBX)

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FairCom DB SQL dbExpress

Developer Guide

dbExpress Driver (dBX)




Developing applications with Embarcadero's dbExpress using the FairCom DB Database driver


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 Embarcadero's dbExpress provides developers superb database connectivity from their applications. dbExpress is a set of lightweight database drivers providing fast access to SQL database servers. When you deploy a FairCom DB SQL database application utilizing dbExpress, you need only include the FairCom DB SQL dbExpress Driver dll with the application files you build.

The FairCom DB SQL DBX Interface technology provides the driver necessary to connect to the FairCom DB SQL database engine. Quickly build client applications using the advanced RAD Studio development environment and efficiently access your FairCom DB SQL data through either Delphi or C++Builder.

By no means does this introduction cover the full scope, detail, or flexibility that the dbExpress technology, and c-treeDBX in particular, offers. It does, however, provide a quick glimpse into the advantages of using powerful FairCom DB SQL database technology in combination with a RAD tool. This is one of the easiest and quickest ways for your client application to access FairCom DB SQL. To learn more about dbExpress technology, visit embarcadero's web site or consult the help files of your RAD Studio tools.

In This Chapter

Install c-treeDBX
